The feeling came back. I'm not going to happen again for a second time. But this time it's different. Maybe this time, I'm afraid to love someone again. Because loving someone who does not love us that hurt me. What should I do?

I conclude, that if you love someone but he does not love you. You can choose two options. Still love or forget it. If you choose to stay in love may be a time to those you love will love you. But feelings can not be forced and the choice of these require effort and patience if you want to unrequited love. If you choose to forget. It was very difficult but with time you'll forget it. And maybe someday you'll find better than him. Actually it's all good choices, which make it a good choice is you.

So what my choice? Okay, maybe I should forget about someone I love and if he is my partner he would come to me but if not there would be a better person to come to me. I believe it!